Groenpact Impact Award

We won the Groenpact Impact award!

Groenpact is a Dutch network organization uniting education, business, and civil society to address global challenges like food security and climate change, aiming to strengthen the Dutch knowledge system and foster sustainable competitiveness in the green sector through innovation, cooperation, and knowledge sharing.
We had an enjoyable day with interesting workshops, special thanks to Groenpact for organising. We were impressed and inspired by the bright and creative initiatives of other nominees. We are delighted with the award and see it as a confirmation of the impact the Hippotainer can create.
The comments from one of the jury members, Gert Stiekema were:
The Hippotainer was one of the few start-ups that participated this year. A relevant and very likeable project, it is the solution for fresh vegetables in remote and climatologically difficult areas. Socially important too, it touches on themes like food security and sovereignty. It is also practical and logistically feasible.


Posted on

June 11, 2024